fly degenerates into working out, the briefing by allister suspicion last night already, which is again eie long day. In the afternoon were 4.3 (= 4.18) for hours on hobbs meter, and that was more or less the actual flight time. Started
the whole clock has to breakfast with 0730th Um0815 there was already a practical demonstration of how to make a flying start with the hand - that the propeller-finder. Glenn is a multi-talented, not only as a flight instructor, said the time being the backgrounds to fire up the hand. Together with allister, my flight instructor, then they led before the practice. The first experiment ran the machine in fact. After that could try on voluntary propeller, raoul and Philip [ clip] was the fire up without problems - if you create belongs to, SWINGER CLUB ';-)
We were with our PA28 first start site roll away, for. In the evening we had to take criticism Harrsch:
despite the most massive efforts on our part to give as little as possible with the roll away performance was a huge dust cloud that descended on the other flight. That was not to prevent, however - only were we hold the first roll away, and therefore the only ones not getting sprayed dust.
The 'poorest' was the last flight, which was immediately blown from 3 ;-)
At the beginning of the runway, we started downhill - uphill is landed, the other is not, because hills rise behind the massive runway. Mans you still can try what comes out is visible on the hill, where the morning sun shines in the wreckage of a flying, height, and has ignored performance and are made comfortable in the bush's. At the end of the runway is a concrete plate on which one goes umden Runup to make, which prevents stones that are sucked in and the propeller is damaged. Then it's fully in the brake, and off you go. Relieve normal 'we mph with 80, will use the ground effect and rest when 100 mph continued to rise - The shooting stage in the PA28. we tried to move much earlier flight to fly, 'which can, he comes away easily from the soil, but where is it clear to fly, he does not yet exist. So immediately after you press and flies as 50 cm above the ground, taking advantage of the bodeneffakt, then, rest to 80 mph, and then as before.
Most courts - in total kunkuru 9, included - were simple slopes, set in the middle of the park, for little, non-inaugurated ' identify. The first runway just a few minutes away from kunkuru we flew at low level, ie, in the meantime with 1-2 m agl and 120 mph, the on and off the piste standing animals (antelope, kudu, warthogs, etc.) to market. Then you have the same in the downwind turn, certainly not in 1-2 m above the ground, but it rises again to 500 agl, and begin the approach, you'll catch the critters once again on the free surface of the piste back. The couple of the critters at the beginning of the piste then stood still bothered then do not really sat down just over the bushes on the final approach, flying the [ clip ], flaps back stage at the first nose in the air, we tried the move to fly much earlier to fly, '- at 80 mph should be rotated normal - which can, he goes away easily from the soil, but where is it clear, he does not fly yet. So immediately after you press and flies as 50 cm above the ground, taking advantage of the bodeneffakt, then, rest to 80 mph, and then as before. Because it is fun, the other flight, in memory, the disks had probably her clean of dust, we made two more touch + go's. then the following interesting was a leg on which it went about 20 minutes straight, with nothing but bushes on the ground, no railroad, no place, no mountains, just nothing after, dwaalboom. Allister has us in the evening details at the briefing given to the court, one of which I had on my notes, that there was a cement factory there. And einizige what was in the distance see hill behind you, something had looked like a concrete storm - at least I thought this, and actually it was our place, a place with an asphalt runway in the middle of nowhere, on the jets and larger flying goes without saying, no tower, no landing fees, not land, easy and continue flying. The wind was pretty Resch, had to land when we fight.
The next leg was even more difficult, it went to a ski, Madikwe west. The track was again no clue, except in the middle of a reservoir, or what we conceive under a reservoir. So exactly flown heading.
After 10 minutes I look again to relieve my preparation and I realize my that I was wrong in the line, and a 20 degree heading the wrong fly! in OE I'd find myself a new line collecting and re-orient micht. Roads, rail, whatever's on us all.
There's nothing, absolutely nothing, moreover, with a target, a track that is essentially of the many gravel roads that do not run because the prairie is different. Now it was good advice, I would be the dam that I had seen and would have flown back re-oriented. Finally, I succeeded but then with the help Allister's sink ;-) - identify the piste. Re-register on the radio who we are and what we want, and downwind direction.
A ranger who was present by chance, went off the runway in order to drive out the residents, there animals. The approach was simple, straight, but on a narrow road, which was limited to the right and left trees of higher. So again since, rudder, rudder and keep the ski center. At the end of the road is a tree right where we parked and then one of the other machines have observed on the flight. Too wide, we are flying from but not gone, there are lions and other unpleasant contemporaries, run free.
The road to Sun City, the Las Vegas of South Africa, we spent mostly at low level, ie, in the meantime, 2-3 m above the trees, the soil. Care has only lines, fences, etc. Over a free area's are then ever, less than 2 m [ clip ] - Anze and g 120 -130 mph [ clip ], an incredible feeling focused, but full, with, as I have written , had a slightly tail-heavy machine trimmed [ clip ] that if you omit the back pressure on the rudder speed in the immediately begins to rise strongly. sun-city ereichten
Before, we had at 5500 ft climbed. After a round on sun-city [ clip ], in the middle of nowhere '[ clip ] looks like an old crater, we headed to the the city proper concrete runway one touch + go - in Vienna, as can almost not the landing too long ;-) are
Rustenburg was scheduled as a refueling stop, also a "slight" space, concrete runway with a long, and like all places them with a space round which speaks for itself , in the example Vöslau fit into 3 times ;-)
refueling was not for me because the credit card reader did not work, so every 4 flight was forced to take plan B. In OE that would have been a drama - all 4 had to pay any amount of charge, and then fill up but can not because it went - and that would have massive trouble. Here: it flies on without cost have, and fill up elsewhere. Britt's standing at the program as usual, had all 4 days within 2 flight had to fill up - good business.
the way home after kunkuru went on mawala [ clip ]. Since we were the day before, but from a different direction. Between Britt and the gravel road in mawala, 40 nm, nothing, nada, rien. So fly heading is announced - I try to succeed, but after some time, the space would have been auftachen that time was on the run, no place to see.
Karl us erläutertwie in such a proceed as fall: to fly once take 2 minutes more, then 90 degrees to the left again two minutes, then turn 90 degrees left, 4 minutes, then turn left 90 degrees, 4 minutes , then 90 ° left and 6 minutes so that you fly like in a "rectangular" spiral more and more circuits and eventually we find the space. But since I like my position W of a railway line that led to mawala, and a road had, I'm one of about 50 ° to the left and got the two intercepted. The rest was then, a piece of cake '. After a flight of 2m and a touch + go there, we just flew in extremely low-level device kunkuru. As we flew the financial statements, karl 1b arrival '.
Unlike, karl 1a arrival '[ clip ] we flew yesterday, reporting gabs, Charles 1b arrival [ clip ] is even more spectacular. You fly around a hill E of the piste, the valley in which one direction piste drops, without seeing the once, all below the ridge, makes a stronger curve than with, karl 1a arrival '. Man shoots at 120-125mph out of the valley, just above the ground happen after the power line that goes across just before the door, and shot in nachgedrückt 1-2 m above the runway. The rest, turn around and land uphill, unspectacular [ clip ]. flown
making a total of 3.4 hobbs-hours, with maximum fun!
unison, philip, raoul, Wolfgang R. and I get out, after the flight: "a waunsinn"
between gabs too loose formation flight [ clip] , but this is less interesting [ clip ].
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