philip "KUNKURU, DAY4: I am a bus driver!" KUNKURU, DAY4 : I am a bus driver!
Wieder wecken mich Naturgeräusche – what a wake up! Today's trip was one of the longest days of my previous flight (for the first 2-year-olds) to be a pilot career. With a net flight time of 04h 08 'and 7 landings in 7 different places I break my own record! On top of that I close this day with flight number 300! Heart, what more do you want ...
punctually at 09 : 00 LT (07 : 00 UTC) we take off. It goes towards Welgevonden WEST, a "Duststrip [ clip ] as the Bush Pilots picture book is : This is where the so-called. Big 5, lion, elephant, wet horn, buffalo and (I think) Leopard. So, (the press have now and their "drain valve") in "Pilot-check" extreme caution is advised, because behind every tree may lurk a "bad guy", and then things get tight!
We shoot at the end of RWY 27 at, and feel our way carefully to the summit approached the door, to then with the certainty to have free rein to take off. This assurance is important to us but the taxi after landing on RWY 27 is a small wild cat, literally "the way" gone!
Get out via Mokolo Dam to Ellisras, an abandoned, unbelievable beautiful 2800 x 30 meters concrete runway in the middle of nowhere. Pilots Heaven can not be far away from here! Without any of landing fee-fuss, we take off and aim to TOLWE which again reminds more to the wilderness fly. Here too, an almost obligatory Short Field Landing my ZS-OHK brings to dust contact to immediately fly into a breathtaking flying low towards HENCO.
expected in HENCO us an amiable Klagenfurt, the - has to live some years in this very dry but beautiful frontier, BOTSWANA - According to his idleness. He addressed us in his truck, and on the platform we drive over a dirt road to his farm, where we are warmly welcomed. Bush's father, Charles, and I can not miss us to climb the extra sunken pool with 54 ° strength spring water. Granted, it was supposed to be extremely beneficial but the sulfur compounds in the water missed its relaxing effect is not (thankfully) not the source temperature,!
Then we could enjoy a small lunch in the living room decorated with reptile skin of our host, before a small safari into (almost dried up this season) river bed of the Limpopo River took. Of baboon screams accompanied We crossed the river valley, where we crossing this bay also to illegal border crossers were, because on the other side we entered Botswana. Our fear of regulatory consequences, however, remained limited, as our host with Klagenfurt roots assured: : "Go get rid guat lei, do Scheat si koana the border. Only the Rindsvicha with - how to ma sucked Deitsch - with foot and mouth disease remain mias do, deshoib the Stochldroht. OK. The peace of mind.
goes after HENCO's SW to Pietersburg INTL (FAPP). Previously, I Henco refueling canisters brought from my C172, and this with the old tried and tested "Zuzl method". Ugh!
In FAPP we get a share order to RWY 05 (2001 it would be one too) end up too generous. This former military course does so powerful that I get the touchdown, almost before the PAPI want to ... LOWW is almost nothing about it ...
We get [ clip] , and off you go in 4 formation on RWY 23. All 4 SKY AFRICA pilots start together an impressive experience. The 172 makes the leadership of Raoul, and I follow Wolfgang II, Wolfgang I shoot with Bush's father Karl. Great, but also exhausting.
After about 20 minutes, we solve the team, and off you go in my favorite position : 10 M AGL 120 KT on Bush. Giraffe and Co. are within reach. I dive into the fascinating combination of dream flight dream and landscape. Somehow one would like to freeze this moment. I realize now how relaxed my piloting these days is almost weightless, we are adrift, no sudden movements more easily
just fly!
When approaching KUNKURU there are no surprises, one is almost tempted to speak of his home course. A Smooth-Turn on RWY 35 with subsequent successful Short Field Landing round off this wonderful day.
At dinner, we thank our Instructors and the great kitchen for the great time here in KUNKURU. We are then concerned with certificates : Now we are all "officially" Bush pilot. JEPPEE! I catch myself in how this award for me occupies a special place. Quite honestly
: The guys at SKY AFRICA Turn have designed these really great. With my flight instructor Wolfgang I, we wallow, and think of our flying friend Axel. That would be something for him, because we agree!
So I'm welcoming in my hut, knowing that we are the flight back to Brakpan tomorrow, not simple "go-to" will spend. My instructor FRED has since hinted something like that, in any case he would show me his home course, and his two elder. And so a small "low-level" is probably still go out. FLYING @ IT'S BEST!
a happy, good night!
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