The pickup truck came, a man got out, we welcomed him, "nice to meet you", and back came, "ia knows Ruig Deitsch red'n with me, i am from keant'n" - a, colleague 'of our Karl, who also moved here many years ago. So up to the pickup truck, of course, on top of the open area, and on the dusty road, The dust was thankfully behind us, towards his house.
highlight where he has an approximately 60 ° source of the hot, he pumped out of the ground, pool into a giant, where it can cool down temperature to a comfortable, so you refresh yourself in the healing water then what [Karl picture with courtesy of Karl ] and Philip did so, so what's the Stoiser after loipersdorf to the spa, so also when it goes ;-) they enjoyed the bad.
The temperatures in the area, even ca.3000 ft deeper than we were used up to now, agreeable, then 25 °. From the lodge we had lunch kunkuru packages with a sensational by the housewife made delicatessen, we at Carinthian in his own house, surrounded by numerous trophies wildest animals on the wall. Most impressive, the skin of a 6 m-long python was on the wall.
We then drove to the pick-up truck directional border to Botswana, the Limpopo [<=bei regen], und genossen die afrikanische wildnis. Am vis-a-vis ufer jede menge affen, ich glaub es waren paviane, viele vögeln ;-) , und spuren von elefanten, die am tag zuvor dort durchgezogen sind. Ein beeindruckendes erlebnis mitten in der afrikanischen wildnis zu sein – immer darauf achtend nicht an irgendeinem der zahlreichen dornigsten bäume hängenzubleiben, dornen die selbst die reifen von trucks dorchbohren und zu schäden am reifen führen [die dann wie im bild dargestellt geflickt werden] ! Dann war aber fly on time came - it was still a long back stretch before us. The departure was briefly ground start again easily, a Carinthian had to separate from the other again, it was FAPP direction, pietersburg to refuel [ clip ].
would be to mention that had with the 172er petrol canister and fuel from canister in the area filled - How? Simple: a hose was with, was to put fuel in the canisters, then sucked on the hose and the fuel flowed into the tank alone - easily? Not really, you have to be careful that you do not like inhaling a gulp fuel. But Philip, which inevitably comes chemistry branch from, and had tried substances at uni during the study of this umpteen times with not so greyish, managed the most - and the flowing fuel, the laws of physics obey simple tank in the - philip thanks for the experiment.
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