A look back ....
which would have made anderst can?
decision was a good woman or girlfriend does not take away, not because there was-there ramba Zamba ;-), but because the course is set up like him, people who are interested in aviation is not a holiday to 'second 'impossible. one is the move all day, often at night time until 22:00, lectures, so yes it is there, the weather is not inviting for a swim - so we came to the unanimous conclusion, that's for pilots and flight fanatics. My wife hates already flying in the large, she is with me only once, and only reluctantly flown, spent or about 0.033% of all hours flown by me in a little flying ;-) - I hope I have not charged me .
philip has already broached in a contribution, there were two things we have suggested and run the best from our point of view could have ....
but more about tomorrow, now go to sleep, I sleep and bring me back to that is me in doha-wien-missed flight.
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