Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Senagal Women Refugee Camp

Euroweb - they can not make it ...

received the following note to editors via e-mail:
... I have completed 3 years ago with a contract Euroweb as a reference customer. That I quit recently.
was little later I called again Euroweb and I was offered an online editorial update my web pages. to have terminated
When I objected that existing contract which I replied I was by then so the upgrade could take my current websites. Of a new contract extension on the phone was no question. So I have the whole agreed on the phone.
prompt then I had a fax in the office, whose contents I not only grew. Only as I now the company the authorization to collect escaped and have brought back my money, I was writing I could have extended my contract ...
It seems as if the want to keep company Euroweb by all existing customers, and with a very clever method "Once customers" to a contract extension "persuaded".

are medium sized and small - business customers called presented shortly before the contract expires, and the new "online editorial concept of Euroweb with all the alleged benefits for the customer and in a "consultation" involved.

Even if the customer expresses no interest in the new service, it is probably by means of a telephone recorded Wav or MP3 file - found in which telephone is probably the word Yes , convinced that he now has a new contract to a has signed with the old conditions with the company Euroweb some more years.

This " Yes games with the alleged -" really free will "expressed Yes to the contract, reminds us very strongly to the Gewinnbimmler Mafia, which were caused in weeks and months in the media for quite a stir by people were called, and then "persuaded" to a contract were.

Even if the customer wishes to terminate quickly, so the part of the company argued Euroweb that there are not a significant reason for dismissal would, and then one of the "legal agreement" is bound ...

so we can all still-Euroweb advise customers only if they receive a call from the company Euroweb or / and Euroweb online editors to watch what they say. They say during the whole call only "Yes" if they want to extend their contract with Euroweb.


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