Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Find Hidden Uniforms In Poptropica

A different ceiling

out the ceilings in Revit just working at inclinations are not always immediately to the desired result. The following pictures show but what with all the standard tools is possible.

The images of the curved inclined to everything is very well done. The easiest way to implement these forms as roof extrusion . For this purpose, is created in a view or section, the profile line. As with the ceiling of the appropriate type with the corresponding structure is assigned. Since we have here the standard tool for line geometry and sketch mode is available, all options are possible. Note, however, Once the ground plan of a rectangular area is generated. This means that represents the profile line with the extrusion of the outer boundary of our ceiling. All non-existing edges and surfaces must be cut. This is best done on opening -> Vertical. Another limitation is in the layer structure. Unfortunately, it is not possible to define profiles. This can make for so no trapezoidal ceiling (slab).
Another advantage can be on the next two pictures show very well.

created on top form processing

blanket over the roof and extrusion created

These pictures illustrate a fundamental problem in Revit. If the ceiling form editing tool created, the build is created perpendicular to the ceiling edge but always vertical. This is seen static wrong. In the construction of a roof by extrusion is not the case. Here, the thicknesses are always perpendicular to the slope.
create Happy ceilings of unusual shapes.


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