Even reputable companies that deal with reputation management on the Internet, fall to the fake Shop owner pure.
very cheeky responsible the fake shop gang under the name of a gentleman, "Brown Field" the deletion of a report on " www.gold-shop-24.com " on various websites through a company dealing with reputation management.
-named shop is definitely the so-called " Fakeshopbande " and there are numerous claims and complaints against the shop owner before the police. web
After referring to the company-killer.de dealing with reputation management, we were given by management following opinion
After examining the situation we have any business relationship with Mr B terminated with immediate effect. We also take no further orders to remember which that person or website shall be assigned.It seems that the operators of this Fakeshops reporting various Internet portals extremely unpleasant, and therefore fall back on unusual methods.
web supports one at a time killer.de fraudulent Machinations on the web. In the present case, the contents of Web sites, forums and weblogs to our regret, were not examined in detail. Thus we
had no knowledge that it is obvious, according to responses and reactions of the operator or own research, the portal is probably a long time looking and media-known fraudster.
The finding that person, and the necessary information, we are under the legal means to assist the authorities.
Mr B has already been notified by e-mail our decision also was forbidden to recruit more jobs in our web portal. In the future, check we more precisely, for which customers we take action to prevent similar cases.
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