Thursday, November 25, 2010

Workout Equipment Blue Prints

banks ask consumers in financial distress to checkout

We reported a few times a so-called P- account. Now, the Consumer shall do the following:

banks offer the so-called P-account overpriced. In more than half of the 159 cases investigated pay affected consumers for an average monthly five to six euros more than for a normal account.

Moreover: Almost always, customers must do without key payment functions.
banks since 1 July obliged to convert the account of their customers on request in a pledge-protected account. The Consumer Federation (vzbv) calls for a legal clarification.
the consumer may switch to a P-account does not pay more than before, said Chief Executive Gerd Billen

Almost all the P-account holders must waive overdraft and credit card, only six banks offer prepaid credit card at. Online banking is often not possible. Even the current Card (formerly EC-card) will be locked in about 23 percent of all cases. Cash, customers can then only at the bank counter.

Do they have a direct account with a bank, is the way to cash may completely blocked. Even for non-cash payments, the card is blocked often. Ökotest revealed also to cases in which a P-account does not have standing orders and direct debits can not be executed.

The vzbv has been warned several credit institutions, because they account more difficult due to high costs and lack of payment functions, the conversion to a P-Account. You do have a Claim to have converted their existing account to a P-Account. A legal right to a checking account, they do not have.

Source: Press Release Central Consumer


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