Friday, November 12, 2010

Front Bumper License Holder 2005 Pilot

The "I Content GmbH" with the useless page "has suffered a court setback

lawyer Knöppel lawyer immediately from the law firm told us, of:

complained the Consumer Federation Headquarters, and the District Court of Frankfurt ruled pioneer in "things"

"The design the website of can not for ordinary consumers necessarily recognize that the services are paid. "

This is very important for the victims of the event costs , since now even the second court noted that the website not Sun designed such that consumers would conclude here on a paid service. We refer again to the decision of AG Leipzig which made a similar argument. Furthermore, the court has ruled
that the advance payment obligation is not effective from 96 € annual fee.
That is, using the terms and condition of the, the Court deems to be ineffective.

the court ruled on page 8 of the decision:
not "The quotation of the disputed site is easily recognizable. Simultaneously, the targeted public about the remuneration of the relevant services are misleading in the ".
The Law (Case No.: 2-03 O 556/09) of the LG Frankfurt are very detailed and worth reading . lease


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