Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sneezing After Awakening Every Morning

customer on the phone to complain

[I register on the phone]
Yes, I hope you are one of the friendly staff. I have a general, personal concern. I am light ... well you can say almost unhappy with you, so I have since fallen somewhat not true.

[...] Although I have not paid my bill for two months, but then why threaten me with collection! Since I am already a bit sour.
pissed! And then the threat of tone, after three warnings from the blue! [...] If you

we become treated as such a poor ... Christ! He is by nature already damned!

[...] that's why I call you! And now also need to pay telephone charges! I want to say in all kindness as a criticism ... THAT pisses me .... well I'll think about it.
think I will, and then make decision whether I will ne continue that. Or can not simply proclaim .... na times.

[...] That's almost what you do have spam, spam accounts!

[...] I'm in the advertising bill done this in the garbage, I do not need that!
twice I do not need advertising, such as Loved it to be business partners of your company is! This is stupid
total, what do people really such a thing, totally stupid! I'd like to unsubscribe from this advertising.
with bills that are actually so what official with such a Werbekram!

[...] There you go with the invoice no Werbekram send! This draws from so only.
If you get three scraps, and must sort out first. This is annoying! This is clean-annoying!
Enter the next check with the boss! Please no bullshit Werbekram!

[...] I will not necessarily terminate. I do that anyway, but the process has already annoyed me.

Hope has arrived. Goodbye!


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