Saturday, March 5, 2011

Gspphone Delete Saves

Object Styles and subcategories in Revit

Using object styles and sub-families can be as structural supports, foundations and beams wonderfully adapted to their own needs. Especially when dealing with your own template (template) here is something to be observed.
this, I have a new video tutorial online.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Example Of Facebook Event 21st Birthday

Export of DWG files into Revit - dimension style problems

Exporting to AutoCAD is certainly one of the most used feature in Revit.
Exporting to AutoCAD (DWG) is probably primarily the focus on the correct transfer of geometry, text and dimensions. The goal is the complete plan to export to AutoCAD. However, if the entire data model be exported for sharing, other delivery formats are required. Those who have

complete with export plans have experimented a bit like we are certainly not very satisfactory results of the dimension have seen.

usually see the results in AutoCAD then that way. The dimension is largely illegible. The style is the other jumped on "Standard".

Also, such results are possible. A mix of different styles. This can of course expect any customer.

way it should always look natural. The nice thing about it, it works with Revit. generate

to this result in Revit, we must distinguish two types of applications.

  • export different views with dimensions and text
  • export of plans with different views
Unfortunately, the solution for these two variants differ

solution for. only export a single view

The view is exporting - export> DWG. The export settings are followed precisely, especially in the red edging options. It is important here especially the Layer option. Category properties of layer override of elements. In this way we obtain layer overrides in AutoCAD. You have to live now, however.

solution for: a export plan as a whole

This approach, incidentally, comes from Autodesk themselves. So the problem is known.
The whole can be read here in English.

The solution for this is as follows:
Important We now export to DXF !
Take the settings as before. Layers and properties as before. switch The lyrics on "strict compliance with function. The result should look like the third picture.

Good luck with exporting.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Preparing Dried Fava Beans

downloads on RevitDE

The downloads (tutorials, family etc.) on the blog were available, now moved to another provider.
If one of the links no longer work, or deliver the wrong content, writes to me please use this email .
then I am going to email the relevant documents directly.

Have fun on RevitDE

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Scabies Terror Stories

Revit App - Family Browser KIWI CODES

Sooner or later you find that Revit users to work with families is not always a pleasure. Today is not about creating families, but to find, shop and searching.
course, you can help by selecting the appropriate folder structure and naming of the work here. But from a certain number of families, each summary is lost. What is missing is a corresponding family of browsers. Today I would like to introduce you an that while not free of charge, but all requirements to cover such a browser. The company
KIWI CODES from New Zealand offers you on their side the Family browser. Here you can
the browser which is available for the 32bit and 64bit version of Revit, download and test 14 days. A license costs 35 $ USD.
The menu settings are currently only available in English, but easy to understand. There is also a video on the manufacturing side, the functions of the browser very well explained (in English).
Here are a few screen shots of the program.

The browser is called from the plug-ins (Customized ribbons). The window can be moved freely (even on another monitor) and includes optional automatic. Families can grouping on the one hand, and present them in different tabs. Shown is always the preview. Depending on the settings are displayed when selecting a family of all types. The family can be placed directly from the tab in a view.

The groups are selected on the upper right arrow. The groups can easily create yourself.

About the Group function are the various functions for creating groups.
As a group, the collection is understood by several tabs.

The tab creation is as simple as that of the group creation. Here can also complete folder as tabs are integrated into one. The preview images are generated here automatically and stored in a subfolder of the families. noted If you have problems with the preview images, then typing my of 18 February .

In the family options are hidden many useful options and other helpers. Thus, for create catalog files directly here. You can create your own custom thumbnails, and families from the Web are loaded directly into the tabs.
About BIM management can be traced to change the configuration files.
settings (Settings) is used to adjust the window (change the size, layout of the tabs).
may be present, since all the configuration files as text file it is created, be transferred to another computer.
Enjoy this APP.